Huntstanton Primary

Meet the Governors

Meet our School Governors – 2024


Jenny McGee Butler – Chair / Parent Governor

Responsible for Maths, Staff well-being, Head Teachers Performance Management

Having worked for a Local Authority delivering HR for 14 years supporting various aspects of the Education Sector I became well aware of the pressures and difficulties schools, and in particularly Primary Schools faced. I’d always wanted to become a Governor but never found the right opportunity, until my husband and I moved to Hunstanton shortly before the birth of our first son. As HPS is both of my son's Primary School, I hope that my skills, experience and knowledge will enable me to support HPS to continue to strive forwards and deliver for both current and future pupils.

Susan Masters - Vice Chair / Co-opted Governor

Responsible for Finance, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium and Cyber Security

I relocated to Norfolk from East London/Essex Borders with my husband and 3 dogs four years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done.  My children had found their own pathways and are currently practising veterinary medicine in Australia and physiotherapy for the NHS so the time was right to embrace this beautiful county. Following a change in career from accountancy in 2011, I became involved in the administration side of education, albeit secondary education. But, as well as wanting to enhance my own learning, I wanted to transfer my knowledge and skills to primary education and joined the Board of Governors at HPS in 2019.

I believe that all children should be provided with the necessary tools to enable them to be the best that they can be and I hope that my work will support the school and the pupils to achieve this goal.


Reverend James Monro - Partnership Governor. 

Responsible for Religious Education/Christian Distinctiveness and Collective Worship, PSHE. 

I live in Docking, and have been the assistant vicar at St.Edmund’s Church in Hunstanton since 2016. One of the exciting things about being with the church has been the opportunity to make links with the school. I have been taking regular assemblies and co-ordinate the annual Christingle service in St. Edmund’s. 

I returned to Norfolk in 2012 when I was ordained to be the curate of the six parish churches along the coast from Old Hunstanton to Burnham Deepdale. My previous life was in medicine and I trained at the London Hospital in Whitechapel. After qualifying I worked as a hospital doctor in Cambridge, Sheffield and Manchester, and then as a GP for 22 years at Street in Somerset.

The change from medicine to the Church means that I still work with people, but obviously from a different angle. While training for the ministry I was able to work in prison chaplaincy at a Young Offenders Institute, which gave me a heart for young people, as well as spending time at a theological college in Tanzania. I have since returned a number of times to a village near the college to help them lay a water main and obtain desks and books for their school. I look forward to helping Hunstanton Primary School go onward into a bright future.


Jon Butler - Co-opted Governor

Responsible for Attendance, Safeguarding and Parental Engagement

Parent of two boys 4 and 8 who attend HPS. Previously a qualified Social Worker for over 20 years in the field of Youth Offending and Early Help with a focus on families, attendance, education and safeguarding. Also a volunteer crew member at the RNLI and a keen sailor and skipper.





Louise Parton - Parent Governor

Responsible for GDPR, Looked After Children and Website Compliance

I have lived and worked in Hunstanton most of my life and actually went to Hunstanton Primary School as a child, I now have an 9 year old son at the School and feel the need to become more involved to help it continue with its success. I am also part of the PTA who work closely with the school to put on lots of events and raise addition funds for the children. 




Tracey Walton - Local Authority Governor

Responsible for English, Attendance and EYFS


Megan Ashton - Member of School Staff

Johanna Sullivan - Headteacher