Where Can You Get Help?
As a school we have created this page specifically for your use. Please see below some helpful and useful links to local and national organisations who are offering help in a variety of different situations.
As always if we can help in any way please just ask. Anything disclosed will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Hunstanton and District Food Bank
Citizens Advice Bureau - Norfolk
Children and Young People's Health Services
Hunstanton Helping Hands
NCC Get Help
Information for parents and carers from Family Learning
The Matthew Project
HappyMaps website is a single hub of reliable, up-to-date and professional advice on mental health problems in children and young people. It covers many common problems including anxiety, self-harm, tics, gender dysphoria, ADHD, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and much more. It also has a pre-school section for issues such as sleep, behaviour, and fussy eating.