Huntstanton Primary

Play Leaders

At Hunstanton Primary School, we have some children who take on a position of responsibility as a Play Leader in  Year 6.

Play Leaders are trained at the beginning of the year to lead activities and games with younger children and are taught the important qualities that are needed when working with young people. Once they have become qualified, Sports Leaders work with Key Stage 1 children during lunchtimes each week to lead games and ensure playtimes are inclusive for everyone and that no child is left alone with no one to play with.

Typically the children who are Play Leaders might do the following duties at lunchtime:

They might teach children how to play playground games at playtimes.

They might supervise games being played by younger pupils at lunchtime.

They might get playground equipment out for other children to use.

They might collect equipment at the end of lunchtime.

Play Leaders at Hunstanton Primary School sometimes get coaching from Tracy Bower, our School Cluster Sports Co-ordinator, to help them with their role.

Children on duty as Play Leaders are asked to wear a black and yellow baseball cap with the Play Leader logo on it so that all adults around school recognise that they are on duty.

The Play Leaders for the 2024/2025 Academic Year are :-

Year 5 -

Year 6 -