Remote Learning Provision
Information for parents
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents/carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or classes) to remain at home. We would also use it if we had to close for a day or more due to external circumstances.
We want home learning to be a positive experience for pupils, linked as closely as possible to classroom work and our knowledge-rich curriculum.
Home learning allows parents, carers and the school to work in partnership for the benefit of their child in terms of both their learning and wellbeing. This information intends to outline the procedures and practice for pupils during a school closure whether this is whole school or classes.
Where an individual pupil is self-isolating, please also refer to the section ‘Remote education for self-isolating pupils.’
It also outlines practice for staff during a closure who are fit and healthy and able to continue with setting work, marking and monitoring work and feeding back on pupil progress.
During home learning we aim to:
Reinforce skills which have been taught in school and give children the opportunity to practise what they have learnt
Instil in all pupils the importance of life-long learning
Continue to promote learning new knowledge through our knowledge-rich curriculum
Use Microsoft Teams as an online platform for children to share work and teachers to monitor progress
Provide learners with a suggested timetable
Update our school website regularly with additional resources and online links
We also recognise that all children need leisure time and encourage a balance between consolidating learning and enrichment activities. Our website contains links to online safety activities, suggestions for staying active and other wellbeing support services.
Overview of our Remote Curriculum
Our pupils are very enthusiastic about our curriculum and we hope in continuing with it in the event of a unexpected temporary closure.
We use Microsoft Teams as a regular and safe means of reviewing work. (Reception will use the Tapestry Journal online platform). This enables pupils to see their teachers, receive recorded lessons and upload work completed that can be reviewed by staff.
If a teacher is in school teaching key worker children, then it may be a different teacher/ teaching assistant from the school communicating with your child.
Following government guidance and staff training, we aim to deliver a virtual school experience through daily uploaded lessons delivered by teachers and teaching assistants.
Remote Curriculum
In the case of a partial (class) or whole school closure we will continue to use lessons from our curriculum to teach children remotely.
Each day teachers will upload an English, Maths and a Foundation subject lesson onto Microsoft Teams. Reception will use the Tapestry Journal platform.
The Foundation subject will change daily to ensure coverage of curriculum subjects.
Each child in EYFS and KS1 will be set 3 hours of work per day. KS2 children will be set 4 hours of work per day. It is expected that they will complete all the work each day.
Lessons will be uploaded via Microsoft Teams, this may be in the form of Microsoft Word documents, power points, PDFs, links to short video clips or recorded lessons from our teachers and teaching assistants.
Children will be expected to complete the lesson and upload some work or a photo of the work onto the designated Microsoft Team which teachers, teaching assistant and the Senior Leadership team will monitor.
Parents will be able to view their child’s portfolio and teachers are able to give feedback using this online platform.
We will continue to assess the children through work uploaded, quizzes and Microsoft Team sessions.