Music Lessons
We are able to offer drum, guitar and piano lessons for pupils during school time. We have two peripatetic music teachers with many years of experience of teaching school age children.
Weds AM - Drums & Guitar with Dan Ashby
Thurs - Piano with Gail Carnel
The cost of these music lessons are £9.00 for an individual 20 minute session and we usually aim for 10 weeks of lessons each term totalling £90.00 per term. This is payable via the School Money payment system.
If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium, we are able to offer subsidised lessons. Please speak to the office.
We also offer String and Brass lessons via the MITI Primary Scheme through the West Norfolk Academies Trust, on a Monday morning with Helen Johnson.
The cost of tuition is £25.00 per term, per student for 2024-2025, payable via the School Money app and we will pass this onto the Trust. This figure is heavily subsidised by the Trust and the Norfolk Music Hub.
The charge is for ten lessons each term. If, for any reason, a teacher cannot fulfil that requirement, the lesson will be added to the following term.
If a student is unable to attend a lesson, notice should be given to the school office in advance.